Energy Performance Certificate of the building is made quickly and easily for all types of properties throughout the Czech Republic.

The Energy Performance Certificate of the building has become an essential document due to the amendment of Act No. 406/2000 Coll. on Energy Management, required during the construction, reconstruction, sale, and rental of all types of real estate. For certain sizes and types of properties, it is necessary even for ownership. We have the necessary qualifications, authorization, and experience to issue the EPC, along with significant references throughout the Czech Republic.

When do you need an EPC?

If you are a builder, property owner, or community of unit owners, you need an EPC for:

  • Construction of new buildings,
  • Major changes to completed buildings (insulation, window replacement),
  • Sale of a building or its integral part (sale of an apartment, office),
  • Rental of a building or its integral part (rental of an apartment, office).

For buildings used by public administration authorities:

  • For buildings with a total energy reference area greater than 500 m², this requirement has been in effect since July 1, 2013,
  • For buildings with a total energy reference area greater than 250 m², this requirement has been in effect since July 1, 2015.

Family House

New construction from 2013*. The obligation to obtain a new certificate applies as of the date of the building permit application.

Renovation from 2013*, if more than 25% of the building envelope is being renovated. However, if the builder decides to meet the requirements for the individual elements being changed rather than for the whole house, they can use a valid certificate that the building already has, for example from a previous purchase of the house or a previous phase of renovation. This obligation applies as of the date of the building permit application or notification of changes to the building according to building law.

Sale or new rental of a house from 2013*. The energy class indication and the specific delivered energy value must be included in advertisements even before the actual sale.

Apartment Building

New construction from 2013*. The obligation to obtain a new certificate applies as of the date of the building permit application.

Renovation from 2013*, if more than 25% of the building envelope is being renovated. However, if the builder decides to meet the requirements for the individual elements being changed rather than for the whole building, they can use a valid certificate that the building already has, for example from a previous purchase of the building or a previous phase of renovation. This obligation applies as of the date of the building permit application or notification of changes to the building according to building law.

Sale or new rental of the entire building from 2013*. The energy class indication and the specific delivered energy value must be included in advertisements. From 2013*, there is an obligation to present the building’s certificate to the buyer when selling an individual apartment. If the apartment owner does not obtain it upon written request from the association of unit owners, they can present three years of energy consumption statements. If the certificate is provided, the energy class indication must also be included in advertisements. This obligation does not apply to cooperative apartments (where legally it is not a sale but a transfer of the right to use).

From 2016*, there is an obligation to present the building’s certificate to the tenant when renting an individual apartment. The Energy Performance Certificate is prepared only for the entire apartment building, and then it is used by all individual apartment owners.

An apartment building with an energy reference area over 1500 m² must have the certificate processed by January 1, 2015, over 1000 m² by January 1, 2017, and smaller buildings by January 1, 2019. This also applies to apartment buildings owned by cooperatives.

The term energy reference area means the external floor area summed up over the individual floors. This area will thus be numerically larger (by up to tens of percent) than the sum of the usable areas of apartments or office spaces.

Public Building (building used by a public authority)

By mid-2013, buildings with an energy reference area over 500 m² had to have a certificate processed, and by mid-2015, this applied to buildings over 250 m². Public buildings are required to display the certificate at the entrance or in the entrance area.

Public Administration Buildings

  • Municipal, city, and regional offices
  • Buildings of the Czech Republic Police and municipal police
  • Buildings of fire brigades, volunteer firefighters…
  • Court buildings and other administrative authorities
  • School buildings – kindergartens, elementary, secondary…
  • Children’s homes, dormitories, infant care centers…
  • Retirement homes, homes with nursing care services
  • Hospitals and other healthcare facilities
  • Cultural facilities – theaters, cinemas…
  • Sports facilities, sports grounds…
  • Buildings of food service establishments

Commercial Office Building

The same requirements apply here as for an apartment building. For the sale or new rental of an individual office or floor, the requirements are the same as for an apartment.


Buildings with an energy reference area up to 50 m², buildings for religious purposes such as churches, mosques, or temples, and also cottages and chalets used for family recreation and not intended for permanent residence, are exempt from the requirements to process certificates. Another exception applies to industrial and agricultural buildings with energy consumption up to 700 GJ.

Family House

Family House

New construction from 2013*. The obligation to obtain a new certificate applies as of the date of the building permit application.

Renovation from 2013*, if more than 25% of the building envelope is being renovated. However, if the builder decides to meet the requirements for the individual elements being changed rather than for the whole house, they can use a valid certificate that the building already has, for example from a previous purchase of the house or a previous phase of renovation. This obligation applies as of the date of the building permit application or notification of changes to the building according to building law.

Sale or new rental of a house from 2013*. The energy class indication and the specific delivered energy value must be included in advertisements even before the actual sale.

Apartment Building

Apartment Building

New construction from 2013*. The obligation to obtain a new certificate applies as of the date of the building permit application.

Renovation from 2013*, if more than 25% of the building envelope is being renovated. However, if the builder decides to meet the requirements for the individual elements being changed rather than for the whole building, they can use a valid certificate that the building already has, for example from a previous purchase of the building or a previous phase of renovation. This obligation applies as of the date of the building permit application or notification of changes to the building according to building law.

Sale or new rental of the entire building from 2013*. The energy class indication and the specific delivered energy value must be included in advertisements. From 2013*, there is an obligation to present the building’s certificate to the buyer when selling an individual apartment. If the apartment owner does not obtain it upon written request from the association of unit owners, they can present three years of energy consumption statements. If the certificate is provided, the energy class indication must also be included in advertisements. This obligation does not apply to cooperative apartments (where legally it is not a sale but a transfer of the right to use).

From 2016*, there is an obligation to present the building’s certificate to the tenant when renting an individual apartment. The Energy Performance Certificate is prepared only for the entire apartment building, and then it is used by all individual apartment owners.

An apartment building with an energy reference area over 1500 m² must have the certificate processed by January 1, 2015, over 1000 m² by January 1, 2017, and smaller buildings by January 1, 2019. This also applies to apartment buildings owned by cooperatives.

The term energy reference area means the external floor area summed up over the individual floors. This area will thus be numerically larger (by up to tens of percent) than the sum of the usable areas of apartments or office spaces.

Public Building

Public Building (building used by a public authority)

By mid-2013, buildings with an energy reference area over 500 m² had to have a certificate processed, and by mid-2015, this applied to buildings over 250 m². Public buildings are required to display the certificate at the entrance or in the entrance area.

Public Administration Buildings

Public Administration Buildings

  • Municipal, city, and regional offices
  • Buildings of the Czech Republic Police and municipal police
  • Buildings of fire brigades, volunteer firefighters…
  • Court buildings and other administrative authorities
  • School buildings – kindergartens, elementary, secondary…
  • Children’s homes, dormitories, infant care centers…
  • Retirement homes, homes with nursing care services
  • Hospitals and other healthcare facilities
  • Cultural facilities – theaters, cinemas…
  • Sports facilities, sports grounds…
  • Buildings of food service establishments
Commercial Office Building

Commercial Office Building

The same requirements apply here as for an apartment building. For the sale or new rental of an individual office or floor, the requirements are the same as for an apartment.



Buildings with an energy reference area up to 50 m², buildings for religious purposes such as churches, mosques, or temples, and also cottages and chalets used for family recreation and not intended for permanent residence, are exempt from the requirements to process certificates. Another exception applies to industrial and agricultural buildings with energy consumption up to 700 GJ.

The requirements and methodology for calculating the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) of a building are described in Decree No. 264/2020 Coll., which essentially addresses the flows of individual energies consumed by the building during its operation.

  • Heating
  • Cooling
  • Air conditioning, i.e., mechanical ventilation including air humidification
  • Hot water preparation
  • Lighting

According to Act No. 406/2000 Coll., the EPC has been a mandatory part of the documentation for the construction of new buildings since January 1, 2009. It is also required for significant energy-related changes to existing buildings (e.g., window replacement, insulation, or building renovation) with a floor area over 1000 m², as well as for the sale or rental of these buildings or their parts.

The Energy Performance Certificate can only be prepared by a person defined by Act No. 406/2000 Coll. § 10, which is an energy specialist or a person authorized under a special legal regulation in the fields of civil engineering, building technology, and building environment technology. The authorized person for preparing the energy certificate must be examined by the ministry according to the implementing legal regulation regarding the details of preparing the energy performance certificate of buildings.

The energy envelope label is a graphical representation of the construction and energy properties of a building’s envelope, serving as an equivalent to the energy label used for electrical appliances. The energy envelope label for buildings is regulated by the technical standard ČSN 730540-2:2011. Compared to the original standard, the assessment of the building’s construction and energy properties is simplified to evaluate the heat transfer through the building envelope using the average heat transfer coefficient Uem.

Energy Performance Certificate

The requirements and methodology for calculating the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) of a building are described in Decree No. 264/2020 Coll., which essentially addresses the flows of individual energies consumed by the building during its operation.

  • Heating
  • Cooling
  • Air conditioning, i.e., mechanical ventilation including air humidification
  • Hot water preparation
  • Lighting

According to Act No. 406/2000 Coll., the EPC has been a mandatory part of the documentation for the construction of new buildings since January 1, 2009. It is also required for significant energy-related changes to existing buildings (e.g., window replacement, insulation, or building renovation) with a floor area over 1000 m², as well as for the sale or rental of these buildings or their parts.

The Energy Performance Certificate can only be prepared by a person defined by Act No. 406/2000 Coll. § 10, which is an energy specialist or a person authorized under a special legal regulation in the fields of civil engineering, building technology, and building environment technology. The authorized person for preparing the energy certificate must be examined by the ministry according to the implementing legal regulation regarding the details of preparing the energy performance certificate of buildings.

Energy Envelope Label

The energy envelope label is a graphical representation of the construction and energy properties of a building’s envelope, serving as an equivalent to the energy label used for electrical appliances. The energy envelope label for buildings is regulated by the technical standard ČSN 730540-2:2011. Compared to the original standard, the assessment of the building’s construction and energy properties is simplified to evaluate the heat transfer through the building envelope using the average heat transfer coefficient Uem.