Energy Audit

It compiles all available data on energy management, performs their analysis, points out both obvious and hidden deficiencies, and recommends ways for improvement, including their evaluation and calculation of the return on investment. An energy audit allows for the identification of energy savings. Conducting an energy audit fulfills the legal obligation and simultaneously provides a basis for cost-saving investments.

Energy Assessment

Is a document that evaluates the energy performance of a building or technology, as well as their operation. It serves to assess how efficiently the building or technology uses energy and suggests measures to improve energy efficiency. An energy assessment may be required for various purposes, such as obtaining subsidies.

Obligation to Conduct an Energy Audit

The obligation to conduct an energy audit is mandated by the Energy Management Act No. 406/2000 Coll. for large energy consumers. The specifics of the energy audit are further regulated by the amendment of Decree No. 140/2021 Coll. The determining factor for the obligation to conduct an energy audit of buildings or equipment is the total annual consumption of all types and forms of energy at all consumption points operated under one identification number (IČ) of the organization. This obligation arises:

  • For state administrative bodies, regions, municipalities, and their contributory organizations from an average annual energy consumption of 500 MWh, i.e., 1,800 GJ.
  • For entrepreneurs who employ 250 or more people or report an annual turnover of CZK 1.3 billion or a total annual balance sheet higher than CZK 1.1 billion.
  • For entrepreneurs whose average annual energy handling value over the last two consecutive calendar years exceeds 5 000 MWh.

Validity of the Energy Audit

Public Sector: An energy audit (EA) is valid for 10 years or until a change in the energy management system occurs, resulting in a change of more than 25% in energy handling for two consecutive years compared to the state described in the valid EA.

Private Sector:

  • For large enterprises with more than 250 employees and a turnover of CZK 1.3 billion, the EA is valid for 4 years.

Conducting an Energy Audit

An energy audit (EA) can only be conducted by an energy specialist certified by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Possible Variants of EA in the Public Sector

  1. The public entity does not have an EA:
    • Newly, the obligation for public entities arises at energy consumption <500 MWh.
    • The entity is required to conduct an EA by January 25, 2021.
  2. The public entity has an EA conducted before the effectiveness of Act No. 3/2020 Coll.:
    • If the EA covers current energy management within a range of up to 25% of the original energy management, the EA is valid for 10 years (until 2030).
    • If the EA does not cover current energy management within a range of up to 25% of the original energy management, changes in energy management will be evaluated in the years 2021 and 2022, requiring a new EA by 2023.

Our company has extensive experience in conducting energy audits since 2000 (references), for various purposes including buildings of different uses, technologies and equipment, energy complexes, and renewable energy sources.

  • For companies that do not fall into the first group but have an annual energy consumption exceeding 5,000 MWh, the EA is valid for 10 years.

Municipalities or entrepreneurs who do not wish to have an energy audit must have an energy management system established and certified by an accredited person according to ČSN EN ISO 50001 for their energy management.

We Will Provide You with an Energy Assessment Quickly and Reliably

We will assess whether your property meets the predetermined technical, ecological, and economic parameters necessary to fulfill subsidy conditions and determine if you are eligible for subsidies. We will identify energy-saving measures, thereby reducing operating costs for your business.

Why Is an Energy Assessment Conducted?

An energy assessment is conducted only for areas defined by law.

Four Types of Energy Assessment

  • Feasibility assessment of alternative energy supply systems
  • Feasibility assessment of electricity generation or heat supply implementation
  • Feasibility assessment of projects funded by subsidy programs
  • Evaluation of the parameters of projects implemented under subsidy programs

Save Money and Protect the Environment with Energy Assessments for Subsidy Programs

To obtain subsidies from the New Green Savings Program or the Operational Program Environment, an energy assessment that meets subsidy requirements is sufficient, and we will prepare it reliably and quickly. We will assess whether your property meets the predetermined technical, ecological, and economic parameters necessary to fulfill subsidy conditions. With the energy assessment, we will determine if you are eligible for subsidies from the following subsidy and operational programs.

Energy Assessment for the Operational Program Environment

By preparing an energy assessment within the OP Environment from the supported area of Energy Savings, you can obtain funds to increase the use of renewable energy sources for heat or electricity production, more efficient use of waste heat, or to reduce the energy intensity of public buildings.

Examples of Supported Projects:

  • Insulation of the building envelope, replacement or refurbishment of windows, doors, and other openings
  • Replacement of the original heat source with a capacity below 5 MW using fossil fuels or electric energy with a biomass source, heat pump, gas condensing boiler, or a combined heat and power source from renewable energy sources
  • Installation of solar thermal or photovoltaic systems
  • Installation of forced ventilation systems with waste heat recovery
  • Support for the construction of new public buildings in a passive energy standard

Energy Assessment for the Operational Program Enterprise and Competitiveness

If you are aiming to reduce the energy intensity of your business, considering insulation, modernization, or reconstruction of electrical, gas, and heat distribution in your business buildings, you can apply for a subsidy from the Energy Savings Program, which is part of OPPIK (Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness) for the period 2014-2020. The OPPIK subsidies ended in 2021, and a new Operational Program Technology and Applications for Competitiveness (OPTAK) is now available for entrepreneurs. OPTAK will distribute nearly CZK 80 billion among Czech businesses between 2021 and 2027. The first subsidy programs began opening in summer 2021. Our energy specialists will provide the necessary energy assessment of your building, precisely in the form that meets all the requirements of the call.

Examples of Supported Projects:

  • Modernization and reconstruction of electrical, gas, and heat distribution systems
  • Modernization and reconstruction of existing energy production facilities for own consumption
  • Insulation, replacement, and renovation of openings, and other construction measures that have a demonstrable impact on the energy intensity of the building, installation of air conditioning
  • Modernization of lighting systems in buildings and industrial areas
  • Utilization of waste energy in production processes
  • Reducing energy intensity/increasing energy efficiency of production and technological processes
  • Installation of renewable energy sources for the business’s own consumption
  • Installation of electrical energy storage systems
Energy Audit

Obligation to Conduct an Energy Audit

The obligation to conduct an energy audit is mandated by the Energy Management Act No. 406/2000 Coll. for large energy consumers. The specifics of the energy audit are further regulated by the amendment of Decree No. 140/2021 Coll. The determining factor for the obligation to conduct an energy audit of buildings or equipment is the total annual consumption of all types and forms of energy at all consumption points operated under one identification number (IČ) of the organization. This obligation arises:

  • For state administrative bodies, regions, municipalities, and their contributory organizations from an average annual energy consumption of 500 MWh, i.e., 1,800 GJ.
  • For entrepreneurs who employ 250 or more people or report an annual turnover of CZK 1.3 billion or a total annual balance sheet higher than CZK 1.1 billion.
  • For entrepreneurs whose average annual energy handling value over the last two consecutive calendar years exceeds 5 000 MWh.

Validity of the Energy Audit

Public Sector: An energy audit (EA) is valid for 10 years or until a change in the energy management system occurs, resulting in a change of more than 25% in energy handling for two consecutive years compared to the state described in the valid EA.

Private Sector:

  • For large enterprises with more than 250 employees and a turnover of CZK 1.3 billion, the EA is valid for 4 years.

Conducting an Energy Audit

An energy audit (EA) can only be conducted by an energy specialist certified by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Possible Variants of EA in the Public Sector

  1. The public entity does not have an EA:
    • Newly, the obligation for public entities arises at energy consumption <500 MWh.
    • The entity is required to conduct an EA by January 25, 2021.
  2. The public entity has an EA conducted before the effectiveness of Act No. 3/2020 Coll.:
    • If the EA covers current energy management within a range of up to 25% of the original energy management, the EA is valid for 10 years (until 2030).
    • If the EA does not cover current energy management within a range of up to 25% of the original energy management, changes in energy management will be evaluated in the years 2021 and 2022, requiring a new EA by 2023.

Our company has extensive experience in conducting energy audits since 2000 (references), for various purposes including buildings of different uses, technologies and equipment, energy complexes, and renewable energy sources.

  • For companies that do not fall into the first group but have an annual energy consumption exceeding 5,000 MWh, the EA is valid for 10 years.

Municipalities or entrepreneurs who do not wish to have an energy audit must have an energy management system established and certified by an accredited person according to ČSN EN ISO 50001 for their energy management.

Energy Assessment

We Will Provide You with an Energy Assessment Quickly and Reliably

We will assess whether your property meets the predetermined technical, ecological, and economic parameters necessary to fulfill subsidy conditions and determine if you are eligible for subsidies. We will identify energy-saving measures, thereby reducing operating costs for your business.

Why Is an Energy Assessment Conducted?

An energy assessment is conducted only for areas defined by law.

Four Types of Energy Assessment

  • Feasibility assessment of alternative energy supply systems
  • Feasibility assessment of electricity generation or heat supply implementation
  • Feasibility assessment of projects funded by subsidy programs
  • Evaluation of the parameters of projects implemented under subsidy programs

Save Money and Protect the Environment with Energy Assessments for Subsidy Programs

To obtain subsidies from the New Green Savings Program or the Operational Program Environment, an energy assessment that meets subsidy requirements is sufficient, and we will prepare it reliably and quickly. We will assess whether your property meets the predetermined technical, ecological, and economic parameters necessary to fulfill subsidy conditions. With the energy assessment, we will determine if you are eligible for subsidies from the following subsidy and operational programs.

Energy Assessment for the Operational Program Environment

By preparing an energy assessment within the OP Environment from the supported area of Energy Savings, you can obtain funds to increase the use of renewable energy sources for heat or electricity production, more efficient use of waste heat, or to reduce the energy intensity of public buildings.

Examples of Supported Projects:

  • Insulation of the building envelope, replacement or refurbishment of windows, doors, and other openings
  • Replacement of the original heat source with a capacity below 5 MW using fossil fuels or electric energy with a biomass source, heat pump, gas condensing boiler, or a combined heat and power source from renewable energy sources
  • Installation of solar thermal or photovoltaic systems
  • Installation of forced ventilation systems with waste heat recovery
  • Support for the construction of new public buildings in a passive energy standard

Energy Assessment for the Operational Program Enterprise and Competitiveness

If you are aiming to reduce the energy intensity of your business, considering insulation, modernization, or reconstruction of electrical, gas, and heat distribution in your business buildings, you can apply for a subsidy from the Energy Savings Program, which is part of OPPIK (Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness) for the period 2014-2020. The OPPIK subsidies ended in 2021, and a new Operational Program Technology and Applications for Competitiveness (OPTAK) is now available for entrepreneurs. OPTAK will distribute nearly CZK 80 billion among Czech businesses between 2021 and 2027. The first subsidy programs began opening in summer 2021. Our energy specialists will provide the necessary energy assessment of your building, precisely in the form that meets all the requirements of the call.

Examples of Supported Projects:

  • Modernization and reconstruction of electrical, gas, and heat distribution systems
  • Modernization and reconstruction of existing energy production facilities for own consumption
  • Insulation, replacement, and renovation of openings, and other construction measures that have a demonstrable impact on the energy intensity of the building, installation of air conditioning
  • Modernization of lighting systems in buildings and industrial areas
  • Utilization of waste energy in production processes
  • Reducing energy intensity/increasing energy efficiency of production and technological processes
  • Installation of renewable energy sources for the business’s own consumption
  • Installation of electrical energy storage systems